
Monday, August 18, 2008

Beckham against Street Criminal

Two road public criminal rob the bicyclist and grab the bag. They do their criminal action quietly, even in front of one who rides the car. This case is happened in London.

English Football stars which now play at LA Galaxy, David Beckham, concerned youngster criminal which more and spread in England. Together With Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United) and David James (Portsmouth), they express actively against criminal campaign.

At Monday (18/8), the three of English star follow actively in governmental launching of criminal campaign fight that take place in England Road. That Campaign takes the motto "I Doesn’t Have to Happen".

That campaign is performed by a English government, propose the boisterous of street public criminal in that country. Saturday (16/8), a young fellow old age of 17 years becomes the pricking victim in street of London South arch. He becomes 23rd adolescent whom defeated because pricking and also shooting in the street during 2008. A case which is quite a lot, because happened in six-month.

English State of Secretary, Jacqui Smith and the third of football player are expressing resistance to criminal. According to Jacqui, since just June 2008, have about 2.500 captured youngsters. As much 1.600 among of them bring knife and plan do a criminal public road with its knife. Also have recorded there is 55.000 peoples who is interdicted in public road with the knife threat.

Beckham which is grown in Leytonstone, East London, in pres release said, he have witnessed how horrifying and grievous effect of that criminal with the pricking when he still young.

Meanwhile the State of Secretary, Jacqui Smith enhances, "Some youngster may think by bringing their knife feel safe. In fact, exactly on the contrary that happened. If you bring the knife, there is a risk will use it or exactly will be injured by it.”

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